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Jim Graham is a South Florida-based visual artist and educator whose work engages with the connections between landscape, identity, and climate as it specifically relates to lowland coastal communities. He is currently a Studio Art faculty member in the Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts & Letters at Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL, and was formerly a Visiting Assistant Professor of Drawing and Painting at the University of Arizona (2018-22). Select recent solo and group exhibitions include the Rosemary Duffy Larson Gallery, Miami, FL; Stove Works Gallery, Chattanooga, TN; Greenleaf Gallery, Los Angeles, CA; and The Cole Pratt Gallery, New Orleans, LA. Articles related to these recent exhibitions have been published in LUXE, New Orleans Review, and Art + Design Magazine. Graham received his MFA from the University of Illinois in Urbana Champaign (2013) and BFA from Florida State University (2010).